Uspon na drugi najviši vrh svijeta K2 u zimskim uvjetima je ostvaren!!

Nepalese team at the summit of K2 | Nimsdai | K2 Winter 2021

Brother to brother, shoulder to shoulder, we walked together to the summit whilst singing the Nepali national anthem. We all stopped around 10m before reaching the summit to huddle and make our final steps together as a team to mark this historical feat, the first ascent of K2 in winter. No individual agendas, no individual greed but only solidarity and joint force of Team Nepal 🇳🇵with a shared vision. Super proud of all the team members for earning this for Nepal and humanity through hardship, selfless effort, and most importantly UNITY proving that Nothing is Impossible ! We are honoured to be sharing this moment with communities all across the world. Global warming and climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing right now. The human race needs to unite to face era’s most threatening looming crisis. If we unite we can make anything possible ! #nimsdai #K2winter #nimsstyle #beyondpossible #porters #achieveyournewpossible #extremeshit #savagemountain #K2 #secondtonone #lastgreatclimb #8000ers #nimsstyle #sherpas #nepal #pakistan #deathzone #redbull #ospreyeurope #scarpaspa #noplacetoofar #thrudark #beatthecold #extreme #eliteexped #climatechange

Objavljuje Nirmal Purja u Nedjelja, 24. siječnja 2021.

Danas poslijepodne u 17.00 sati po lokalnom vremenu ispenjan je K2, posljednji vrh viši od 8000 m koji nije bio ispenjan zimi. Nirmal Purja, Gelje Šerpa, Mingma David Šerpa, Mingma Tenzi Šerpa, Dawa Temba Šerpa, Pem Chhiri Šerpa, Mingma G. Šerpa, Kili Pemba Šerpa, Dawa Tenjing Šerpa i Sona Šerpa kročili su na 8611 metara viskok vrh.

Povijest alpinizma ima novu stranicu, a napisalo ju je 10 nepalskih alpinista, koji su zajedno, kao jedan stupili na toliko sanjan vrh.

Što se tiče kisika, još se čeka potvrda o tome tko ga je koristio ili ne. Stvari su se mogle promijeniti zbog mnogo razloga u usporedbi s početnim izjavama,a da bismo bili sigurni tko je postigao podvig bez upotrebe boce s kisikom, morat ćemo pričekati povratak alpinista.

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